Thursday, July 21, 2011

Logan's Latest

I never know how much "text" to include in these blog posts. I admit, I mostly like looking at pictures when I read other blogs...but I do typically read what is going on with my friends- if it isn't TOO lengthy. So I think the key is in finding the right balance. It might take me a bit, but I will try.

And then, I never know if people only want to hear about how Logan is doing (sometimes I feel like chopped liver when it comes to our "grandparents" - they ONLY want to hear about Logan), or if there is interest in the entire family. He definitely takes a better picture and is much cuter to look at. :) So again, I think it is about finding a balance.

Logan is quite thoughtful about his play lately. He is full-on into pretend play and drives his cars around (have we mentioned that Logan LOVES cars?) everywhere. He has matchbox cars, big cars that he can drive himself, books about cars, puzzles, car keys, and Cars the movie. He can't get enough. Lately he differentiates between "car," "bus," "mommy car," and "daddy car." ANd then just last week he pulled out the "mommy car keys" when he wanted to use my keys to drive his Cozy Coup. Despite this passion, he takes time to enjoy other play, and I captured a few shots of him building and placing blocks around the table.

Here - he is "smiling" for the camera.

He insisted on wearing the sized 9mo bath robe after his bath the other night and it was absolutely hysterical to watch him run around the house with his buttox hanging out.

We are eagerly anticipating number two...but there are times when I sit and reflect and wonder if it can really get any more fun than this. We are so very blessed.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Summer Fun

The ONLY way for a pregnant lady to stay cool in this 100 degree heat when outside is to involve some sort of water. We do a lot of pool-in-the-yard fun and also visit friend's pools as often as possible!
This is what he does when you tell him to "smile" these days. It always involves a big squint.

Helping put out chairs for his friends.

Playing with (and eating) sand in the sandbox with Grandma "DeeDee"

We painted a picture and handprinted a card for Father's Day - he had more fun painting himself...and again...had to take a taste of this new substance...

Logan and Family (18 Months)

Logan does this thing when we say "ROCKSTAR!" where he points his fingers fun.

Farms and Animals

Logan loves animals. This spring we were invited to a Cowgirl birthday party and Logan rode a horse for the first time!

We also visited a Goat Farm where they make cheese, etc and Logan loved petting the goatsc.

Easter 2011

Easter was so fun this year because Logan got the concept of picking up eggs and putting them in his basket. Of course - I practiced with him around the house with a sand bucket and tennis balls. :) By the time he was "let loose" he really held his own and liked hunting for the colorful eggs.

Hold me back dad! I mean business this year!!

A Start to Catching Up

I'm finding it difficult to keep up with all the social networks available to me these days...between Facebook, our "family website" that my Aunt runs, and simple emailing, this blog has fallen to the backburner. Partly, because it is difficult to upload photos! I can only do five at a time and they are difficult to put in any kind of order. The other factor involves the fact that most of my pictures on on my PHONE these days! I have a love/hate relationship with technology.

So for those that have probably checked this over the past few months I apologize. I really do want to post some recent pictures, etc, because not everyone is on Facebook or in my immediate family. So I promise I will try to do better... This particulat blog is going to be from way-back...Christmas, and a trip we took to Aruba..Spring and Easter will follow. Then I will get back into what is currently up with our family.

So meticulous...

Logan LOVES cars...this was the beginning of an OBSESSION. Looking back, we realize that we might have fed this obsession, but at least Marc enjoys his interests.

Note the shoes...he put them on himself and is now trying to get the coat so we can go OUTSIDE.

In January we went to Aruba. It was so much fun - and we got to catch up with some great friends. Marc and I commented on the way home however that when we take children...we will call the adventure a "trip." When we leave children at home, we go on "vacation." Didn't sit and relax much! But it was such a joy to see Logan explore the ocean, pool, and beach.

No one got burned!

Two derm babies...

This was the first picture of our family of "four."