Monday, September 21, 2009

Announcing Logan Philip Inglese

ONE Copy of "What to Expect When You're Expecting:" $
ONE Blue Birthing Ball: $$
ONE World-Class Doula: $$$

Delivering the most perfect beautiful boy: PRICELESS

Meet: Logan Philip
Born: Sept 18, 2009 at 11:27am (38 2/7 weeks)
Weight: 7lb 11oz
Length: 19 1/4 inches

This is me just as we were leaving for the hospital to deliver Logan...crazy that he was still cooking only 72 hours ago!!

Meeting mommy and daddy for the first time:

APGAR scores were 9 & 10 (at 1 and 5 min respectively)!! What an over-achiever!
My mom, along with Marc's mom and our Doula coached me at the very end. Marc was fantastic as well and was by my side the entire time...but when Logan was about to arrive he felt more comfortable working with the doctor to take care of me :) The doctor let Marc help deliver Logan and he actually caught, suctioned, and handed him up to me. He says that Logan was his thirty-third delivery...his own cool.
Couple phone calls to make...
One Happy Grandma!!
One proud daddy!
Finally settled into our post-partum room! We were BOTH tired and exhausted!

Family picture time!

Getting dressed to go home!

We think we figured this out...

Logan's first car ride

Finally home!!

Marc's mom and I

Both moms said when we got home that the first thing to know about babies is to let sleeping babies Logan spent a little time right in his car seat while I took a little nap...

Both my boys on our first morning home as a family of three!

We have some video clips also, so I will try to edit/post some of those later.


  1. He is adorable!!! So excited for you guys. Wish we were there to meet him.

  2. Looks like you did a wonderful job! I'm glad your parents got to be there for everything too. I applaud your ability to blog with a newborn!
    Lots of love.
